What May appear as a scenic or eye appealing effect unless one looks at things that is really there then one can be deceived by an illusion that appears to benevolent but can have short and long term dire consequences

As you scroll below you will see things from a different perspective as the research and data indicate~ you mayactually see this as it should

These are examples of nano carbons that assemble in the system~ designed to integrate on a cellular -DNA -RNA and Genetic and Mitochondrial levels~a disruptor on a physiological levels and the capacity to offset any signals that will trigger an immune response and can be activated with freq to accelerate its network or the capacity to shut down a person~ similar to a police firing devices to shut down automobiles while engaged in a chase the same can be done through the right freq to impact a persons central nervous system and autonomous system to be neutralized or impacted with pain
C60 was detected in various tissues, such as brain, kidneys, liver, lungs, and spleen of male Wistar rats. On the other hand, no C 60 was found in blood. The highest C60 concentration was observed in the lungs, followed by spleen, liver, kidneys and brain. These results suggested that C60 injected in the tail vein could be filtered by lung capillary vessels and accumulate in the lungs prior to being distributed to other tissues. Furthermore, C60 not being detected in the blood indicated that clearance of C60 from the blood by filtration might effectively occur in the lungs. The time - dependent variation in the biodistribution of C60 was evaluated. A time - dependent decrease in C60 concentrations was observed in all tissues, except spleen. Moreover, a decreasing trend of C60 levels differed among tissues, which could be due to differences in accumulation
Here is legislation in regard to C-60--even Mainstream is seeing the implications of this and are now wanting to leash it because of the impact it has on the environment--it has been verified to be embryotoxic to aquatics( this research is now being challenged coincedentally since this came to market as some kind of contaminant was mixed ) buttt this goes to show all the more the danger of the c 60 and it is in the pdf above that it is highly reactive with other components

Carbon NanoTubes--will not be detected in water bodies using currently available monitoring equipment and hence will not be identified as a pollutant, were they to be present.

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